Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So we went to Bures Berry Patch yesterday, great day for it too, we went in the morning when the sun was still hiding behind some clouds and it was just the right temp and no glaring sun burning our backs! The kids had a blast and can you believe that when we were getting out instructions on how to pick we were TOLD to either put the berry in the bucket or your mouth!!!! Really he should not have told my kids that. Kaleb was the biggest eater, check out the shot below with berry juice running all over, he was covered in sweet juicy strawberry goodness. Then there was Carter who behaved and held out longer than I expected. We made it just less than an hour and ended up with 7 and 1/2 lbs of strawberries, anyone need some???? After cleaning half the flat last night I just don't know what I am going to do with the rest.

I do totally suggest checking this berry patch out if your in the neighborhood, fabulous people and fabulous place.

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