Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Bowling Crazy!

So we can Wii Bowl pretty good, let's try our luck at real bowling... totally different! Linds had a blast at cousin Brooke's birthday party bowling and cake and video games, really it doesn't get much better than that! Carter had to get in the action too! I love how Linds bowls, on her knees and just give the ball a big push! Hillarious to watch! Also it was horrible getting decent pictures in a bowling alley, most were crazy blurry cuz my shutter speed was so slow and I needed a tripod, oh well I will know better next time...

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cicadagirl said...

oh, those are so cute! We love to take the kids bowling, we need to go again soon. Too funny that L. bowls like that, hee. Love the turkey and cave photos too!

itsjustshannon said...

You have been tagged!!! Go see my blog :)