Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I need to vent... so stop reading if you want to hear all the happy fabulous stuff there just isn't any today!

I feel totally icky today, just down and really I have felt that way for a couple weeks now. I feel like they took all my get up and go out along with my appendix. I am forcing myself though all of my daily tasks and that is it. Otherwise I am hanging out in front of the TV, eating! Great for my diet! I need to get out of this funk, but I just can't figure out how. I am going to a crop this Saturday, it should be fun, but I don't want to go. I am scheduled to teach a scrapping 101 at the crop, something that normally gets me all giddy. I love to teach and share my love of the scrap with people, but even with that I still don't feel like going. Hoping that if I force myself that maybe it will make me feel better, but I just can't even get organized...

And to make matters worse the LSS that I love working, helping and hanging out at is closing in a little more than two weeks! What will I do with myself! When will I get that adult fix? I know I have Tally to keep the scrap fix, but for me the cyber world just isn't the real world that I need.

Then there's Carter... we had our doctor appointments last week, first and the good news, he probably won't need surgery on his belly button until he's 4. And we have a 50/50 chance that it will just go away by then. I am not holding my breath! The asthma/allergy thing did not go so well. He doesn't have any allergies at this point, other than having hyper-sensitve skin, you should have seen the mess of hives from the histamine scratch with the allergy tests. YIKES! But at least I don't have to start freaking out over anything that he eats or touches. Bonus! Asthma side of things, well I thought he was having a wonderful day, you know you finally get in to the doctor and the kids are perfectly heathly and they think you are a worry wart of a mother. That is what I was sure was going to happen, nope! Doc took one very short listen to Carter's lungs and states, yep he sure has Asthma and you are in the right place, we'll be seeing lots of you, but we will get this under control! We went home with precriptions for 5 medicines daily! Let's see we start the morning off with the liquid prednisolone, then for lunch we do singulair, at snack it's dose two of the prednisolone, then with dinner zyrtec, and finally the best we do a neb treatment of pulmicort. The neb treatment is the worst, doctor suggested to do it after he is sleeping, because after all he is a wild 13 month old boy, he does not like to just relax. Alrighty we have tried that, but Carter sleeps on his belly and if you turn him over he wakes up and gets upset that you are trying to hold this mask on his face. So I have resorted to cuddling him until he is asleep and sleeping for at least a half an hour. Now don't get me wrong cudding with my baby is something that I like doing, it's just now I am spending an hour or more of my time that I normally use for reading with K and Linds to snuggle and do medicine. Which of course the medicine is not going so easy. As soon as the neb machine is turned on Carter wakes up and fusses, it's 15 min of fighting and crying until the neb is done. He is getting a little better at it the last couple nights, it just really sucks. And I don't know if or when this will end.

Hmm I feel a little better now, not even gonna re-read for errors before posting, could care less. Gotta get a grocery list together, don't really want to do that either, but there is nothing but Halloween candy in the house to eat, again not good for the diet...

1 comment:

Katie said...

Oh hon...I wish I would have seen this sooner...been in a bit of a funk myself. We will be dragging each other out of it very soon in the Dells! :)

Oh the asthma stuff is sooooooo rough. Pred sucks, nebs suck. They do get better....I promise. We always made a big deal about getting to watch a special video while Gav had nebs when he was little. But I remember many a night having to force that child to keep the mask on...a very miserable battle. And then you have to deal with a hyped up boy child which is the hardest for me.
Hang in there girl!

I am so sad for you also that your LSS is closing...I know what a great escape that has always been for you....oh that's terrible. You will have to find something new to get that little escape! :)