Saturday, March 14, 2009

I'm doing more playing in Photoshop, what 'cha think of this one Katie???

I'm not so sure about the photos, in the real paper world I am a total inker, love to paint all the edges of my photos, and here they just seem well unfinished??? Is there anyone out there who can explain how I can get a "frame" around my picture in PSE??? I am having a horrible time trying to figure it out on my own, nothing is working the way I think it should... I am totally having a blast though and I may even have to re-install the full version of CS3 that scared me off when it first went on my laptop last spring. We shall see...

Check back again for the lastest installment of my learning Photoshop...

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1 comment:

cicadagirl said...

The layouts look great Nicole! So cute. A far as digital frames... you should just be able to layer the frame right over the photo is PSE... and then crop the photo to the frame. Flatten the image and then print... here's a link that might help?

Good luck!