Tuesday, February 03, 2009

I was tagged!

Here's what you are looking at...

this is the sixth photo, in the sixth folder on my computer.

What is this disaster, one of the many test shots taken to get the half way decent shot that was in my Christmas card this year.

Yeah and just so you know this is a totally unedited photo. Enjoy all the crazy shadows and bad lighting.

I really wish that this would have been something more fun, but alas I move all my photos onto my external hard drive and all that's on the computer are somewhat current.

Thanks for tagging me Katie! I really do need to work on keeping this thing more up to date, but really it's hard when I am trying to do this, facebook, emails, children, dishes, laundry... well you get the point.

Ok so I am suppose to tag six people, but I think Katie already tagged everyone I would, so if you are reading this and you want to post the 6th picture in the 6th folder on your computer go ahead and do so and let me know!

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Cicada said...

Oh, cool! What a great idea to do the lights with the frame! I think I might have to try that this year. Would you bring your christmas card to the 2peas crop so I can see how it turned out?! I seriously love this, even though you don't consider it a good shot!!

Katie said...

Yay! I know, it takes a lot of not so great ones to get the great one! :)