Friday, September 12, 2008

Well we made it through the first two weeks of school and so far so good! Both K and Linds have fabulous teachers, Linds got the same teacher K had last year, YIPPEE for mom!!! I love not having to learn a teachers style! We are slowly getting back to the "school" routine, and I think Carter is happy to have some time without big bro and sissy. And don't think for a minute that poor Carter is alone with me all day, we have two new friends here durring the week and well that is taking some adjustment, but I know things will work themselves out just perfectly. Me, well I wish I could say that I found a little bit of time to take it easy, but there just isn't any of that time around here.

We are smack dab in the middle of crazy, busy time for the Archery shop, archery deer season opens on Saturday and you would be amazed at how many of these hunters are "deadline queens" just like me! LOL, nothing like waiting until the last week to get your gear in order... I seriously feel like I haven't seen my husband for a month! Granted he was truely gone for two weeks in August and gone again for the first week of September, but even here when he's home we don't see him.

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1 comment:

Cicada said...

See, that's why I like your blog, cuz there's always a few surprises, like: BEAR blood, ha! That thing is huge! Congrats to Jeff :)

I like the school pics... the kids look so much older all of a sudden... looking forward to this weekend. It sounds like things are super busy at your house, so you will probably be looking forward to a break too! Can't wait.