Saturday, September 16, 2006

Just hanging in there

10 days and counting and I am desperately trying to keep my mind off the fact that I am still PG. Each day is a little more enoying, but it will happen soon enough.

So I have been staying busy, and I have been doing some scrapping. Christine hooked me up with Mandy for the photo swap and I think the two of us have just had so many things going on that we sort of put it on the back burner. Well I am happy to say that we did finally get photos swapped and I received an absoulutely amazing package in the mail today. I sent her some of my wedding photos, I need to get inspired to work on these. I have been collecting papers and what not for the last, let's see 3+ yrs! Well the work Mandy did with my pictures, man I would love to send her them all! The four LO's are so beautiful I almost wanted to cry when I saw them. Thanks Mandy for the wonderful job! I also had a great time with the photos she sent me, I hope you like them half as much as I like mine.

The LO below is something I whipped up tonight, I just have the scrappin bug. Must be the excitment from MOA still fresh with me. We had our scrap group last night and I got Mandy's pages done there, plus my technique class page for October started and just a total flow of mojo. Had to keep it going today. I was so excited for my tech page that I forgot to take a picture of it before dropping it off at the LSS. I will have to stop down there Monday and post that. It is a lift from one of the Mags we got at MOA, but of course I do my own little twist and I love how it turned out. Back to the LO below, I am really into the MME Signature Line that we have at the LSS, that's what I used and even though it's pretty simple I'm happy.

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ChristyR said...

Very nice LO! I hope you will share with us the pages Mandy did. I heard she has a Cricut! Glad your mojo is here and that you've been busy creating! The picture swap was move at your own pace and sounds like you kept up with everyone else. Not much longer and the little one will be along. So excited for you and was wondering how are we going to know. Will hubby post a blog comment so we know or will we be waiting for you to get back? Have a great weekend and enjoy your time!

itsjustshannon said...

Beautiful! You did a really nice job.

I know the end is always the hardest. It won't be long now!

Katie said...

Love those colors with the sepia pic...having fun with that camera I see? :)

We are so looking forward to meeting little Carter...that's his name right? :) He can't stay in there forever, eh?

Cicada said...

Wow, beautiful photo of Kaleb. Makes me want to get my camera out and take some closeups...

I am getting so anxious for you! I can't wait until you have that baby in your arms and you're waiting for that McDonalds light to come on in the early morning :)