Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I've read and commented...

So I guess that means I should update my blog. Julie you inspired me to add a little more about our adventures at scrapfest. The first pic above is some of what I did in classes, the after dark party, and a make/take. I am so sure that I had just as much stuff as Julie I just think I pack it away a whole lot quicker. My favorites are the recipe album, can you see how stuffed it is? All those recipes are from Christine's swap (ok a few more that I had from a swap last year too, but mostly christine's). That was the primary reason for taking the class. I love the album, it's american crafts D-ring. I still need to add a little more to the section pages, but it is functional at the moment. Next favortite thing is the little desk calendar with the flower, loved that and it was so easy, I am doing it for a class at the LSS. I already want to make more for some good friends. The box on the left side is from the after dark party. We were given the plain boxes and then check out the next pic, all this stuff was at the tables. We had to decorate the boxes and then turn them in to be judged. Mine turned out ok, I don't do well with being creative in a time limit. I didn't win any prizes, and I didn't get a real good look at the winners, but there sure were some amazing creations. The little snowman card (isn't he cute), was a make/take, of course I dressed it up a little when I got home. I also took a Tim class, cute little ruler book (picture from Mondays post), and did a MM class using 4x4x4 blocks. I didn't like how they ran the class and chose not to complete my project they way the instructions were so I just have plain painted blocks that are waiting some more attention. Maybe this weekend...

Today is wacky wednesday, the kids get out early from school on wednesdays and we are starting back into dance class tonight for Linds. I really need to be working on laundry and bills, but this is so much more fun. I did a LO yesterday, loved it, used the new MME Signature line, we got it all in the LSS and I had the perfect picture. I wanted to post it here, but was in such a hurry that I forgot to snap it before putting it up at the LSS. I need to run down there and get a shot. I want to get some scrappin done today, I picked up three packets of Crate paper this weekend and I really want to cut into it. I've got some fun shots to work with, maybe later.

Just looked out the window and we have SUNSHINE!!! It has been raining around here for three days and i was starting to get cranky. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Cicada said...

This weather has me cranky too... we have not seen sunshine yet today like we were supposed to!

Good photos! Love the recipe books with the cards, how cool.

My stuff is *not* put away yet into my craft room, maybe tonight I can get to that!