Thursday, May 04, 2006

 The smell of beauty!

This morning after running some stuff down to Memories, I came back into the house and there was such a wonderful scent in the air, fresh flowers. I of course wondered where that could be coming from. Then it hit me, our silly crab apple tree! I have been meaning to take a picture of it. I normally curse the thing, but once a year when it's in bloom, it's breath taking. And the scent is just wonderful. I really do love spring time. I took a couple pictures of some tulips and a few close ups of the blossoms on the tree, now maybe I can come up with an amazing scrapbook page. Christine has a link on her blog for a layout contest, and I would love to put another page together for that. We'll see... Posted by Picasa


ChristyR said...

man i love those trees. when i was growing up there was one in the front yard of every house and eventually the wind would blow and it would rain pink petals!!! does that happen on your street? very beautiful! eventually all the trees on my childhood street had to be taken down-they all got sick and were was never the same after that!

Cicada said...

Gorgeous! I wish I had one.

Yesterday my dd was smelling our tulips and said, "they smell like candy!" I realized that, yeah, they kinda do! :)