Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Just a few pictures of our adventures this weekend.

The first two are from the Ag Fair, I think this calf was only a few days old. Not sure how old the chicks were, but they seemed to be the kids favorite.

The last two are from our adventure archery shoot on Monday. It's funny that K is the big shooter and I didn't take one picture of him shooting his bow? Probably because I already have a huge stash of those.

So anyone else out there getting the oh my gosh it's already Wednesday, then in the next breath ewww it's only Wednesday??? Holidays always make my weeks seem strange.

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itsjustshannon said...

Too cute...your daughter shooting with that blonde ponytail behind her. Kaylee will be doing the same thing...I know it. What are they shooting at though????? Its a decoy of some kind right but what??? Looks like a monkey!

ChristyR said...

Cute photos! They look like they are having a great time. A great way to spend the holiday. And yes, I know what you mean about checking days of the week. Right now I'm thinking man it's only June 1st.

Nicole said...

Shannon, it's is a baboon (s/p??) target! The things they come up with are strange sometimes. They also shoot at a couple dinosaurs too.