Well at least to the few that may look at this blog now and again...
So far 2010 has been nice, wish that the weather would be more summer like, but oh well it is Wisconsin.
We had some wonderful Christmas parties with family and friends and we made it through new years eve party and all.
I got to go on an adventure with Jeff the other day, no kids, just he and I. Jeff needed to swap the memory cards in his trail cameras (special motion cameras that snap pics of the deer and other animals on their hunting land), and he must not like to do this alone because he wanted me to come. Now you must know that it was cold, like single digits cold and I am SO NOT a cold weather person, I debated and then put on a pair of long underwear found some gloves, hat, scrarf and jacket and hit the trails with the hubby. I of course had to bring the camera, didn't use it much, my camera doesn't like the cold any better than I do. But I did snap this one shot that I love.
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Monday, October 12, 2009
Jeff got another nice one this year, he got it with the bow on Saturday 10-9. This one even had a name, the guys have been calling him clubby, because of his very unique antlers. I guess they have hundreds of trail camera photos. Jeff was pretty excited to take him home.
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11:11 AM
Saturday, October 03, 2009

So Kaleb went hunting with his own bow and arrows and a license too! It was Saturday September 26 and for the first time Kaleb was the hunter and Daddy was just along for the ride, well and to video too. I have to laugh because as Jeff was video tapping K, he asked if they were going to get something and Kaleb just like he knew it was going to happen tells Jeff that they are out to get and doe. What does he do??? Shoots a doe! GREAT JOB K! First time out and a kill, that is quite an accomplishment.
We also celebrated Carter's 3rd birthday on the first of October, hard to believe that my baby is already three. We got him his very own four-wheeler, of course Carter's is the Battery operated kind, but he loves it!
And then to end our week we welcomed a new baby boy to the family, Jeff's sister Joette gave birth on October 2nd, congrats to her and daddy Jerron! Welcome baby Boone Lee Havens, I can't wait to take more pictures of him, isn't he so adorable!
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5:13 PM
Saturday, August 22, 2009
So we had a little bit of fun today! Went to Uncle Pat's pool! And even though I stayed very dry (really for me to hit the water it must be at least 90+ degrees), I got some fun photos! Linds loves the water and was in it for the 3+ hours we were there. Lots of flips off the diving board and a few trips down the slide.
Carter however caught one look at Pat dumping water on the slide with this coffee container and thought hey that looks like something I could do. Really I do think he was trying to empty the pool one bucket at a time!
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8:07 PM
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Wednesday when the weather was BEAUTIFUL (still wondering what went wrong in the weather area???) we headed to Marshall WI and Little Amerricka
There were only a couple rides that Carter didn't get to try, I totally recomend this place for anyone with the toddler to pre-teen age - tons of fun for everyone!
And of course after a few hours of rides and hot sun we needed slushies! Gotta love the blue tongues. Now if I only had some time to scrap some of these fun shots...
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6:13 PM
So we also hit Riverview for a little go-cart fun, bummer for Linds and K they were too little to drive, but Jeff had a blast doing the Grand Prix and the kids seemed fine just riding along. I think in total they did like 10 laps and Jeff was only 3 tenths of a second off the record for the year.
And he managed to win each kid a prize on their games midway! Gotta love HUGE stuffed animals for all...
Posted by
6:07 PM
We were on a family "stay"cation this week!
Headed off to the Dells for a day, did the Kalahari thing, of course I didn't want to take the big camera anywhere near the water. Pulled out the old point and shoot, boy is that wierd trying to take shots with... got some that I think will be decent enough to scrap. Both "big" kids did the surf blaster thing and loved it. I thought about trying and then after I was dressed and ready to hit the road I remembered I hadn't done it yet, next year.
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6:03 PM
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
So we made it through our first day of "prep" for the big recital on Friday and Saturday! The girls are all so cute! Can you believe that I already have scrap paper picked out for this lovely purple costume of Linds'... yeah I am sure some of you can! LOL!!!
Anyway these photos totally suck, was playing with my flash unit and well got lots of wickedly bad photos. I will try much harder for better shots tomorrow. It's the full dress rehearsal tomorrow, what that means is we have a really long, long, long, long day. And I really should be getting ready but wanted to do a little update on the blog and show of my little princess.
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7:22 PM
Saturday, June 06, 2009
What a cold and rainy day for summer vaca to start on... what to do??? Stay warm inside and play!!!
So what better time to spend on the laptop, learning and testing new things. The first photo is one from Kaleb's spring concert, in third grade they get their first taste of musical insturments, the recorder! Kaleb actually liked it. I used a free action that made the picture look all wacky, but it's fun.
The next couple shot I just took about an hour or so ago, Carter has a wild habit of finding places to fall asleep in. Not sure why he decided the laundry basket was the best today, but he was so cute. It started out as an empty basket and he brought out three of his favorite blankies to make it just right. Wonder if he will be there all night or if he will find his way to our bed like normal???
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8:25 PM