Friday, August 11, 2006


Well it's friday and I am glad. I have spent the morning getting ready for my scrap group tonight. I have 7 pages all layed out to work on, anyone have a bet as to how many I will actually get done? If I can get two finished I will be happy.

Ok so yesterday was a fun day, my SIL is getting married in October and she has asked that Linds be the minature bride, Linds is very excited. We took a trip to the dress shop yesterday afternoon to try on a some dresses that Aunt Jill had approved. Of course they were all so cute, but we did settle on one. And well I didn't even think to bring my camera so I could take a picture. We ended up leaving the dress at the store, just a safer place for an all white dress. I really want to take a trip back and take some photos, am I crazy???

Then yesterday afternoon we (K, Lind, & me) had check ups. I have been prepping Linds for the last 6+ weeks about this. She needed to get all her shots so we can start Kindergarten. I kept comparing it to the ear piercing, saying it wouldn't hurt any worse than that and look at how good you did there. So she is all ready, we bring an animal to hold, get through all the weighing, measuring, blood pressure, and general look see by the doctor. Now it's time for the nurses to come back and finish with the shots. Doctor leaves and Linds starts wimpering "I don't want shots". I tell her it will be just fine, nurses come in, we get Linds to lay down on the exam table and by this time she is screaming bloody murder. I lean over her to try and settle her down (now the nurses have not even touched her yet), while I am holding her they do the shots anounce they are done, Linds sits up and the nurses ask if that hurt. What does my drama queen daughter say, "No". Screaming and tears turn off and away we go.


ChristyR said...

Go Linds cos if it were socially acceptable I would scream hollar and someone would have to hold me down..stick something in me are you crazy? And of course when it's done it's not that bad.

The image of shopping for little bride day that will be for her. Definitely go back and take photos! Sweet! Have a great time at your crop and I'll keep my fingers crossed for two for you!

itsjustshannon said...

Ahhh the kindgergarten shots....Kaylee had hers a couple weeks ago and I lucked out and Kevin took her. We spent 2 weeks telling her that it didn't feel like anything and I think she was a little mad when it did hurt. You put a needle in my thigh and it would hurt.

You get lots done ya hear???? We want to see some layouts!

Katie said...

That is so funny!! I am proud to say that my dd hardly flinched when she had hers, she must have an amazing pain threshold...I've made it my mission in life NOT to freak her out about shots like my mom did with me...flashback, I'm 8 years old in for a Strep shot, my Mom saying "guess what you're getting...hee hee hee a horse shot in your butt, hee hee".....need i say more? I fainted, dropped dead on the floor after I had my last big set of shots when I was 17.

Sounds like Linds will be totally cool about shots now. :)