Saturday, June 10, 2006

Kaleb's Birthday came early this year!

Ok so Jeff and I went off in search of youth four-wheelers this morning and found one. Both of us were too excited to try and hide this present for the next week and a half and decided to just give it to K today. Boy was he happy!

To all you worry warts out there, we have definetly set the rules down hard and yes he must always wear the helmet and can only drive the thing when an adult is watching. We are lucky with K, he is not the fearless type, in fact he is quite causious. I am sure that will fade sooner or later, but we have told him if the rules get broken the four-wheeler is mommies. Yes as little as this thing is I am actually still under the weight limit to ride it (well at least for the next month or two, LOL, I won't post the frightening pics of me driving it).

Only downfall of the four-wheeler, no new camera or laptop for me. I better find another part-time job so I can start saving for all the toys I want.

So anyone got any great blow away gift suggestions for the little sis who's birthday is just over a month away??? How will we stay equal???
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ChristyR said...

Looks like lots of fun!! My husband has ordered my kids a super size pocket bike for when he comes in two weeks. I'm scared but seeing that you are okay with mechanical gasoline powered parts I feel more at ease. I'm trying to think of how you will top that one with your little girl. There must be something she wants and hopefully it's big! Maybe a day at the spa with mom or pedicures or just something that will pamper her and make her feel older than she's turning?

Cicada said...

Wow! He'll be having a blast!

Yeah, that's a tough one to match for your daughter's b-day. My girls love their Step-2 Dream Kitchen! She might be getting too old for that though. That's prob. the biggest thing we've bought them. Do you guys already have some type of pool? That's what mine are pining for these days!

Katie said...

You are one brave mama Nicole! I am going to cringe the day dh wants to get our kids on a snowmobile. The funny thing is that I had motorcycles from the time I was about 12, I am a total worry wart about my kids...poor things! God forbid they ever get a driver's license! LOL

itsjustshannon said...

Oh my you have opened the flood gates on that one! Drew was asking who was that boy and why did he have a 4 wheeler......

ChristyR said...

oh-how cute is Nana?